How does MindSkiller® CONNECT work?

What is MindSkiller® CONNECT?

It’s about Help-Seekers CONNECTing with Help-Providers for brief support. You can ask any questions about mental health issues that you are eLEARNING about. 

It’s about enhancing your mental health literacy by filling-in knowledge gaps about mental health and the management of mental disorders. 

It’s not a substitute for healthcare if you need that, but it can certainly enhance any existing healthcare you might be receiving. And it can give you guidance about what type of healthcare might be useful for you if you are needing that.


How MindSkiller® CONNECT
works for Help-Seekers

After registering, Help-Seekers can select the type of Help-Provider they are searching for. 

CONNECT will generate a list of Help-Providers and their accreditation levels. 

The Help-Seeker can then CONNECT with their chosen Help-Provider for an immediate consultation or to arrange one.

How MindSkiller® CONNECT
works for Help-Providers

To be listed on the MindSkiller® CONNECT database of Help-Providers,  
register and provide information about your credentials, preferred 
interventions and contact details. 

CONNECT will generate a list of potential Help-Providers for Help-Seekers
when they conduct a search. The details you provide will enable CONNECT to include you in that list! 

A Help-Seeker will select you if the type of help you can provide 
matches their preferences.

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