Unit 4: Coping with Internal Stressors

Coming soon

Subunit 4.1

A Brief Tour of Self-Sabotaging Scripts

Self-sabotaging scripts have depressive or anxious themes. They arise from negative past experiences and defensive core beliefs. Anxious narratives feature fighting or fleeing whilst depressive storylines involve hiding or submitting. They result in poor decision-making, unassertive communications and bad habits.

Subunit 4.2

A Guide to Classifying Mental Disorders

Part I The Descriptive Banners with reference to Personality Disorders
Part II The Explanatory Sails with reference to Personality Disorders

Coming soon

Subunit 4.3

A Brief Tour of Personality Disorders

Learn how each Personality Disorder diagnostic Stripe is unique - according to its own set of symptoms. Each of the 16 Personality Disorder stripes are examined to understand the features that define them.